We have a Youth Ministry Retreat coming up on April 23-24! Registration forms are available here.

Registration fee is $50.00 (checks payable to Resurrection of Our Lord). Submit your forms to the office by April 20.

Download the form here.

 Pope Francis meets youth in Saint Peter's Basilica, August 2013

 Pope Francis meets youth in Saint Peter's Basilica, August 2013

If we want it to have real meaning and fulfillment, as you want and as you deserve, I say to each one of you, ‘put on faith,’ and your life will take on new flavour, it will have a compass to show you the way; ‘put on hope,’ and every one of your days will be enlightened and your horizon will no longer be dark, but luminous; ‘put on love,’ and your life will be like a house built on rock, your journey will be joyful, because you will find many friends to journey with you.
— Pope Francis, World Youth Day

YouthRise is Resurrection Of Our Lord's youth ministry for high school students. Our mission is to help teens draw closer to Christ so they can rise to the call of loving God and loving others. YouthRise takes the teen into the heart of the Gospel by engaging them in prayer, faith formation, games, service, and fellowship. As the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, we create moments for teens to spend quality time with Jesus through Eucharistic Adoration.

YouthRise meetings are on Wednesday nights from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. These activities take place in the parish hall.

Here's what our Winter 2016 schedule looks like:

Date        Topic                   Activity
Jan 6   Kick Off 2016           Games and announcements!
Jan 13  Horton Hears A Who      Movie Night at the Church
Jan 20  No Matter How Small     LifeNight: Dignity of Human Life
Jan 22  March For Life          Mass at Verizon Center/march to Capitol
Jan 27  Eucharistic Adoration   Holy Hour at the Church
Feb 3   Family Portrait         LifeNight: Family Portrait
Feb 10  Ash Wednesday Mass      Parish activity
Feb 17  Power of Prayer         Small group discussion
Feb 24  Lenten Mission Talk     Parish activity
Mar 2   Teen Mass               Fr. Mark will celebrate Mass with teens
Mar 9   Great Adventure         Small group discussion
Mar 11  Parish Soup Supper      Youth Ministry will sponsor this soup supper
Mar 16  The Prince of Egypt     Movie Night!
Mar 19  Palm Sunday Pilgrimage  Pilgrimage with Archbishop Lori, Baltimore MD
Mar 30  Eucharistic Adoration   Holy Hour at the Church

Join YouthRise!

To download aregistration form, click here! Bring the completed and signed forms to any of our YouthRise meetings.

Parent Volunteers Needed!

A successful youth ministry needs a strong support from parents. Please help us with the following:

  1. Snacks - we appreciate a good snack supply to fuel our teens during the meetings. We welcome donations of snack and food items such as pizzas, donuts, drinks, chips - or any hearty dish!
  2. Meeting volunteers - we need help in setting up the room, clean up, and running the events. Please review the Archdiocese of Baltimore's requirements for volunteering in youth ministry activities by following this link.

To volunteer, please sign up here.

Contact Raymund Sucgang (ROOL Youth Ministry Coordinator) at raymund.sucgang@archbalt.org or call the Parish Office at 410-792-7982.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roolyouthministry