July 9-13, 2018
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Anchor kids in the truth that Jesus carries them
through life's storms.
Welcome to Shipwrecked rescued by jesus
Every day is a new adventure to experience God's Word! One memorable Bible Point is reinforced throughout each station with a fun filled bible-learning experience for children of all ages. Some of the activities in which they would participate include:
- Story Time
- Games
- Crafts
- Music
- And so much more...
Student Registrations are now being accepted for children ages 4 year old through level 5. Fee per student is as follows (includes T-shirt, CD, crafts, snacks and Christ-centered, Spirit-filled FUN!):
- Parishioner $45
- Non-Parishioner $55
- Late Registration $5
Youth Volunteers
We welcome all youth level 5 and above to be youth volunteers for this years Vacation Bible School. We are looking for helpers to help in classrooms, sing and act, lead story time, or assist with crafts and so much more
- Grades 5-12
- Must complete Virtus training as well as Resurrection's Worthy of the Call Volunteer training
- Virtus is available here online on our home page under Universal Church
- Must complete Virtus training as well as Resurrection's Worthy of the Call Volunteer training
- Must be willing to help wherever needed
- Must complete a Youth Volunteer Registration Form
- Attend gathering and set-up on Monday, July 9 from 3-6pm
- Fee: $20 which includes, T-shirt and CD.
Adult Volunteers
- Over age 18
- Must complete Virtus training as well as Resurrection's Worthy of the Call Volunteer training
- Virtus is available here online on our home page under Universal Church
- Must complete Virtus training as well as Resurrection's Worthy of the Call Volunteer training
- Must be willing to help wherever needed
- Must complete a Adult Volunteer Registration Form
- Attend gathering and set-up on Monday, July 9 from 3-6pm
- No fee for Adults