Religious Education K-8 — Resurrection of Our Lord Roman Catholic Church

Faith Formation Pre-K to 8th Grade

Welcome to the Children’s Faith Formation Program at Resurrection of Our Lord RC Church.  Whether your family has been in our community for some time or you are just joining us, we extend to you a gracious welcome.  

            In partnership with the Parish Staff, the Faith Formation Office, Youth Ministry Office and our entire parish family of Resurrection of Our Lord, we are here to help all of our parents and children grow in faith.  Please feel free to contact any of us for assistance.


D. Scott Miller


Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Diana Lucio


Faith Formation Sessions

Sunday Morning               (Pre-K thru Level 2*)

Classes meet Sunday from 11:30am until 12:45pm

Monday Evening               (Level 2*, 3-8)     

Classes meet Monday from 7:00pm until 8:15pm

Faith Formation Calendar 2015-2016


Our Policy On Inclement Weather Closings

Sunday Classes:

If Mass is canceled then classes are canceled.

Monday Classes:

If Anne Arundel County has canceled classes due to inclement weather conditions at any time during a particular day (i.e. canceled school day or early dismissal), faith formation classes will also be canceled.  Our classes will not be affected if the schools have delayed openings.

Please visit: 

or call 410-792-7982

for cancelations due to inclement weather.

A Prayer of Family Commitment

Dear God our Father, 

You have called all Christian families to be a sign of your love to the world.  Help us to be generous with the gifts of life and love that you have showered on our family.  May we share them so that our homes become true signs of unitive and fruitful love.  Let us never forget to thank you each day for all that sustains us and to look to Christ, who comes to us in the events of family life, in the sacraments of the Church, and in service to the poor.

In all of this, our family becomes a living expression of your Church, a hallowed home of life and love.  By the power of the Holy Spirit, may all of us—spouses, parents, and children—share, as members of His Body, in Jesus’ mission to build a civilization of love. 

Father, we ask this in Jesus’ name in union with the Holy Spirit.
