Launching This Lent. (Wed 17 at 2pm & Thurs 18 at 7pm)
"The 'Door of Faith' is always open for us...
To enter through that door is to
Set out on a journey that lasts a lifetime."
-Pope Benedict XVI
This lent we launch our Church Small Groups through the start of Symbolon.
What does this mean for you? Well, for starters it means that more formation and experiences of Christ are now available at our parish. It means that together as one family, one parish we will continue to grow so that God's grace overflows from our church walls and into the hearts of all those around us. So how will this start?
Please see this video first then show up on Wed (starting 2/17/16) at 2pm or Thurs (starting 2/18/16) at 7pm to begin.
Small groups will be created based on certain demographics like marital status (single or married), age groups and language preference.
Each week will meet to discuss and learn more about our faith. We are very excited to welcome you to Resurrection of Our Lord's Small Groups.
Interested in Young Adult Small groups? We have that too.. Show up on Thursday nights at 7pm and join the Small groups where you will learn more about LCYA and other great activities happening in the area!
Our parish shares young adult ministry across four parishes and two archdiocese seeking to serve those in the Laurel, Maryland region and beyond. Young adults are called to pray, serve and connect with one another in mutual support and uplifting one another in faith. If you would like more information about young adult ministry, please contact our coordinator, Mr. Shaun Guevarra either by email or by phone, 410-792-7982.